
Friday, May 31, 2013

Farewell 304

This is the last blog post written from my apartment - I move out tonight!  Over the past two years a lot has been blogged about while sitting on the couch or in bed within these four walls, but right now it's just me, an air mattress, sleeping bag, a few cleaning supplies, and Moto of course.  This was the first place I lived by myself, and I've made some good memories here, so moving out is a little bittersweet, but it's one of many steps getting me closer to England!

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Story of God

A few weeks ago I wrote about the final series we did at The Well, and that one of the nights was about being immersed in God's Story.  After worship, before James even started his message we showed this video.  I love it.  I've watched it several times and it never gets old.  I hope you enjoy it too!

Moving Out, Down, and Up

Saturday was a busy day for my whole family because I moved out of my apartment and my sister and her husband moved out of theirs, and my parents helped with both moves.  Friday night my parents got into Johnson City and then Saturday morning we finished packing up my place and loaded up the moving van.  While we were doing that, Amanda, Jonathan and his parents were up in Fairfax, Virginia packing their moving van.  

It doesn't look like that much, but there's a headboard, foot board, mattress set, dresser, kitchen table, bookshelf, trunk, coffee table, end table, and love seat crammed in there in addition to all my other stuff!

Then we all met in Blacksburg, Virginia where Amanda and Jonathan were moving because he got a new job.  We unloaded their moving van and two cars, and then we unloaded the van with all of my stuff.  Why did we unload mine too?  Because for the next several months until I leave for England I'll be living with a family here in Johnson City and have no need for my bedroom furniture.  Amanda's new place has two bedrooms and they only had furniture for one, so they're borrowing mine until I need it back.  It really works out well because they don't have to buy new stuff right away, and it's less stuff that has to be stored at my parents.  The best way to pack my moving van though was to have the mattresses at the very front, so we had to unload almost the whole van to get to them, and then pack everything else back up. 

After all of that we went to get something to eat.  It was funny to see how thrilled Amanda and Jonathan were that we got to the restaurant in about 5 or 6 minutes.  They've been living in a big city where it takes a long time to get everywhere, and now they're back in a small town where everything is close by.  Blacksburg is where Virginia Tech is, where they both went to school.  Jonathan said that it seemed so empty around and realized that it was because it was the summer and all the students were gone.  Then he said, "We're going to do all of our eating-out in the summer when it's not busy, and not eat-out during the school year!"  After dinner Mom and Dad drove the rest of the way to Lynchburg, where their neighbors helped them unload the van with the rest of my things, which we're keeping at Mom and Dad's house.  And I drove back to Johnson City and a pretty empty apartment.  I'm still staying there for about a week, and sleeping on an air mattress because I don't have a bed anymore!

So Amanda and I both moved out, they moved down geographically, and up in the size of their apartment. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Feeding the Birds

God is so good!  All day Friday, in the back of my mind was the fact that that was my last day of work and I still didn't have another job.  Just minutes after locking up and getting in my car I got a text  from a friend asking if I could babysit on Monday.  It would only be for a few hours, but having something to do on Monday was a huge comfort.  So I got to spend yesterday afternoon with these two cuties!  After school was out I took them down to the covered bridge in Elizabethton to feed the ducks.  That was one of my favorite things to do when I was at Milligan and I don't think I had been in about two years.   It was a beautiful day for it, and not only was it fun to go do myself, but to see the kids enjoying it.

Friday, May 17, 2013

That's a Wrap

I know that today was not the last time I walked out of The Well House for good.  It was however, the last time I walked to the door, made a final glance of my desk, and locked up.  And that's all I'm going to say about that, because then I might start crying and have a meltdown.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Today is my sister's birthday ~ Happy Birthday Amanda, I love you!

And it seems that whenever we're back home together for a weekend, we end up matching in some way.  That's sisters for ya I guess!

Totally not planned, it's just what we each brought home that weekend to wear to church.
Hmm, do those purses look similar?

Roof Top View

Yesterday Jillian and Carly came by the office to eat lunch with me, and we ended up crawling out of the window onto the porch roof to eat!  It was a little steeper than I realized, but we managed ok, except for Carly's phone sliding off the roof.  Thankfully it landed in the flower bed and was fine.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


As I was driving to the soccer fields the other night to go for a run, I just could not get over the clouds.  They were gorgeous!  Little white tufts evenly scattered across the sky.  I kept craning my neck to get a better glimpse of them.  I probably won't have many scenes like these in England, so I'm savoring them while I can!

The shoes I wore in the Color Me Rad 5K.  They still turn my fingers blue when I tie them up.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Celebrate Good Times...Come On!

This was been a weekend of celebrations!  Friday night I went to a graduation party for a friend who just graduated from pharmacy school.  Saturday I went to both of ETSU's graduations and then a wedding later that night, and then yesterday I went to a piano recital.  It made for lots of sitting and listening, but I wouldn't have missed it.  I love all these people and loved being there for their big days!

Jillian, Lauren, and Chelsea.  These girls were all in my freshmen small group four years ago!

Lauren and Kelcie

Waiting for ceremony number two to start.

Hannah above and Eliza below; they're going to be wonderful teachers!


Zach Brown.  We sort of matched.

Jillian, right after the school's photographer got her picture. 

Ashley is a real nurse now!


My friends Ryan and Madison got married outside, under a weeping willow and in front of a little pond.  The reception was full of burlap, mason jars, chalk board labels, and a home made dessert bar.  It was all very picturesque and Pinteresty.  I feel like a lame friend because I didn't get a picture with the bride and groom, but I did snap one with my good friends Brittany and Jessie.


Carly had her junior piano recital yesterday afternoon, and afterward a bunch of us went to Menchie's for some frozen yogurt!

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Mountains

Monday nights are when our freshmen small groups meet, and this past Monday several freshmen and small group leaders met up to a go for a little hike, since we had officially wrapped everything up the Monday before.  We went to Roan Mountain, which is at the Tennessee / North Carolina border.  Our intention was to watch the sunset but when we got up on the mountain, without any trees to block the wind, it was SO cold.  We stayed for a little while, running around and snapping pictures, but headed out before anyone got hypothermia.  Seriously, it was so cold.  My feet didn't warm up til we I got home, an hour later. 

Even without the sunset it was worth the trip.  It was a clear night and you could see for miles.  I am so thankful to live in such a beautiful place, and one where God's creation is so evidently on display!

Some of the freshmen from my small group.

Lauren was in my small group when she was a freshmen, and led her own group as a senior this year.  She graduates tomorrow and is going to Milligan for grad school!  I love her and am so proud of her!