
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Day of Love!

First of all, it's Mug Monday!  This is one of my favorite mugs; I would probably say that about all my mugs, but this one really is!  It's one of my favorites because it's a Mary Englebreit mug.  Mary Englebreit is an illustrator and I absolutely love her style, it's cute and happy and wonderful!  She designs stationary, office supplies, journals, calenders etc. and she also writes and illustrates children's books.  Not only is she an illustrator, but she also comes up with cute phrases, and my favorite is "Life Is Just a Chair of Bowlies."  That is the phrase and picture that's on my mug, which is why it's even more of a favorite.  Another reason this mug is special is because it was a gift from my Aunt Joy.  Joy is my mom's sister and there is no denying that we are related.  Even though Mom and I are very similar in many ways, there are things that Joy and I share that Mom and I don't, such as a love/slight obsession with shoes and purses.  Joy and I both also enjoy photography and Mary Englebreit!

Normally we have a meeting at 8:00 on Monday mornings, but we had to cancel today, which ended up being a blessing.  Two weeks ago I got pulled over by a state trooper because the tags on my car were expired.  I remembered getting the paperwork for it, but I put it in that "deal with it later" pile, but I never got around to it :(  So this morning I had the fine opportunity of visiting the Carter County Courthouse to renew my tags.  I only had to stand in line fifteen minutes, and in those fifteen minutes I saw a mullet, two pairs of mom jeans, and a leather Nascar jacket.  Oh Cater County, gotta love it...

After I left there I went to Starbucks to do some reading and journaling.  With it being Valentine's Day, I was expecting it to be kind of crowded, romantic coffee for two or something like that, but it wasn't at all!  Not only did I get to sit in one of the big, comfy chairs, but since there were so many other empty chairs, no one weird had to sit next me.  Always a good thing.

I decided to dress up for Valentine's Day, complete with heels and ruffles!

I used to be in Starbucks so often that they knew how I spelled my name.  Clearly that has changed...Also, I modpodged that journal!  I cut out the letter "A" from magazines and I also cut out my name from cards and things that people had written me.

 After Starbucks I headed to the office, where I filled up the gumball machine on my desk with Valentine's Day M&Ms!

1 comment:

  1. aimee every time i read a post i am reminded of how fun of a friend you are! i love that you wore heels for valentine's day! and those shoes are to die for ah they're definitely my favorite shoes to appear on this blog! and i love your journal! you are so creative! love you!
