
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Barefoot and...Hard at Work

I was hoping the title could say Barefoot and Fancy Free, but I was working late...

Anyways...I am so disappointed because I missed the opportunity to take such a fun picture for today's post.  Agh, it annoys me so much!  Yesterday I had a meeting with one of the executives of SunTrust Bank to talk about a donation for The Well's fundraiser banquet coming up.  I had to go to their main office, which is in a fairly old building.   His office was on the 5th floor so I took the elevator, and when I got on I was reminded about why I like old buildings like that.  The elevator was this cool, old-timey elevator.  Not super old-timey, but old enough to be fun to ride in.  Instead of the digital panel that changes numbers to tell you what floor you're on, it had those little round buttons above the door that lit up as you passed each floor.  And whereas most modern elevators are silver and shiny, this one was brass and dull; and it creaked the whole time.  I loved it!
Well I went in for the meeting, but it turned out he had to leave the office that day and his secretary forgot to call and tell me, so we rescheduled for today.  As I got back on the elevator to leave I told myself that I would definitely take a picture in there today.  Since starting this blog I pretty much have a camera on me 24/7, but this morning I put it in my tote bag and not my purse.  And I didn't take my tote to the meeting, so I had no camera :(  I'm tempted just to go back sometime and get on the elevator for no other reason than to take that picture!

And since I didn't get that picture, I had to come up with something else, which is why you get the oh-so- thrilling picture above.  I wanted to get a head start on some stuff for tomorrow, but if I went home or even to Barnes & Noble, I knew I'd get distracted, so I just went back the office.  When I know I'll be at the office alone and uninterrupted for a while, I like to prop up my feet and work.  It's a nice change from sitting in the same position and looking out the same window all the time.  I kind of want to ask what you do at work when no one is looking, but I feel that might get people in trouble...

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