
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Off to the Big Apple

I had a few last-minute errands to run this morning, and then I made a final stop at Barnes & Noble.  I wanted a little bit of "me time" before I left for our mission trip.  I made my normal sweep through the store: turn left towards the magazine racks, back to the cafe, and then right towards the comfy chairs.  My Cinnamon Dolce Latte was brewed to perfection and the clump of comfy chairs was empty, which meant I didn't have to share the space with any creepy people :)  The magazines were kind of lame today.  No inspiration for what to do with antiques or anything like that.  I did get one useful thing out of them though.  Jessica and I were talking about bouquets and boutonnieres the other day and we we kept mentioning these "little green berry things."  We didn't know what they are really called, so we just kept calling them that.  In one of the magazines there was a flower arrangement that had something that looked like those little green berries in it, and thank goodness it told you what all was in the arrangement!  They're called Berzelia Berries.  I just googled them, and I don't think they're exactly what Jessica and I were talking about; but they're close.

This has nothing to do with anything I've written about, but it's true!
After Barnes & Noble I came home and did a bit more packing.  And at this point, I'm basically done, except for the few little things I still have to use.  I don't think I have ever been packed this far in advance for anything!  I'm quite proud of myself.  We're leaving at 3:00 tomorrow morning, so my plan is to go to bed around 8:00 tonight.  I don't think I've gone to bed that early since I was in elementary school!  Needless to say, I won't be doing any blogging while we're gone.  But I am still planning on taking a foot picture every day, and then I'll do a brief recap when I get back.

While we are gone I would greatly appreciate your prayers!  
And here are a few specifics:

  • James, Samantha, and Drew will be driving the vans; pray they will be alert and for overall safety while we travel.
  • We have a very "random" group of students going.  Some know half the people going, some don't know any.  Some have been on several mission trips, some have never left the South.  Some are very strong and mature in their faith, and some are going on this trip so they don't repeat last year's spring break; pray for unity and for new friendships to form.
  • While we are in New York we will be doing urban ministry.  Working in soup kitchens, food pantries, homeless shelters etc; pray that the Lord will break our hearts for His people and that we will forget about ourselves in order to best serve them.
  • Even though we have no idea who they are, the majority of the people we will be serving next week are facing difficulties right now; pray that their needs will be met and that they would find life in Christ!
  • I fly out of NYC Friday morning so I can make it back to Lynchburg for Ashley's wedding; pray that everything goes well that!

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