
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day, and today was cold and wet and just gross!  One good thing about it though was that I finally got to wear my new yellow rain boots!  And while I was walking to the Culp Center I realized that now my rain boots match my cute umbrella too.  It makes me very happy that my rain gear is cute and matches.  I'm looking into buying a legit rain coat.  It seems crazy that I've lived here this long and haven't gotten one yet, but anyways, I'm really hoping I can find a yellow, green, teal, or pink one, that way it will match both my umbrella and rain boots.

And this afternoon I learned something interesting, and also disappointing.  Regis and Kelly did some research and discovered that if you work somewhere that has a candy jar, and you eat two pieces of candy every day, by the end of the year you could have gained approximately 7 pounds!  That's bad news, because I have definitely been known to eat more than two pieces a day!  I actually have two candy "jars" on my desk.  An actual jar that usually has Laffy Taffy in it, and the gumball machine that usually has M&M's in it, but there are  jelly beans in it right  now.  They are both pretty noisy if you're trying to get something out of them.  The lid on the glass jar clanks when you take it on and off, and the gumball machine is just plain noisy.  You can hear the money clanking as you twist the knob, and the candy as it falls to the bottom.  Because of this, everyone upstairs can always tell how much candy I'm munching on :/  Maybe this new candy knowledge will help prevent some of that.  We'll see... 


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