
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chinese Fan Giveaway!

 Well, I have done the best I can to sum up the bulk of my time in China.  So I'm leaving you with a few last pictures and the instructions for my first blog giveaway!  Woo hoo!  
Down the street from our hostel in Beijing.
Breakfast at the hostel :)
Bikes, bikes everywhere!
This was near the orphanage.
The best meal we had in China, at a Chinese-Korean BBQ!

Before I left for China I decided I would get a souvenir to use as a giveaway.  The first place we had the opportunity to buy things was at the base of the Great Wall and that is where I picked up this fan!  

To enter to win, leave a comment on the blog answering the following question: What is the most memorable trip you have ever been on?
 Those who are official followers through Google Friend Connect (on the right side bar) may leave a second comment for an extra chance to win!  The cut off to enter is Friday, June 24th at 5:00pm.  A winner will be picked at random and announced on Saturday! 
I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. yay! I'm the first comment! My most memorable trip was when we went to Chincoteague...and not necessarily good memories! it was hot, we were attacked by mosquitos, i got dehydrated, you were moody, and the AC broke on the way home!

  2. Woohoo! 2nd comment! Haha. I think the most memorable trip for me was last summer. A couple of friends and I went to the beach at Hilton Head. We all didn't really have much money, so we basically just stayed on the beach the whole time. One day, my friend Gabi and I decided to venture out to Savannah. We went to this really fancy hotel downtown and pretended like we were guests, took a ton of pictures, and just explored all of Savannah! It was sooooo much fun!

  3. This is your mom. I couldn't get my account to work. So Amanda with her college knowledge let me post on hers.

    I have many memorable experiences from various trips, but the most memorable trip overall would be our trip to Brazil.

  4. I love vacations! I have so many memorable ones, but I'd say the most memorable one would probably be the one I just got back from. We stayed on the 9th floor in a condo. Day one - my 2 year old cousin and I are sitting out on the balcony. I had just taken some pictures outside. So, my camera was sitting on the table beside me. Little miss hands grabbed my camera and it slipped out of her hands and down it went. It went down 7 stories and landed on the roof to the indoor pool. The good news...the camera survived and is still working today!

  5. Since I can post two comments....
    I would have to say my second most memorable vacation moment would be my trip to NYC in 8th grade. It was sooooo fun! We got to sing at a big fancy church and just experience NYC to the fullest. We had a tour of the MTV studios and everything. So cool! And, on the way home we stopped at Hershey World. What else is better than a town that smells like chocolate and there is chocolate everywhere?! NOTHING! Haha.

  6. well its cheesy but my most memorable vacation thus far was definitely my honeymoon! beautiful sunny weather all week, caribbean crystal clear blue waters, whiter than snow sand, delicious food, and the chance to spend a whole week with my best friend and was unbelievable:) despite the fact we had to fly out the morning after our wedding on about 2 hours of sleep, the trip was definitely worth it!!

  7. I always enjoy my trips to JC to visit you. One of my favorites was when you had your Photography Show.
