
Monday, June 27, 2011

Mug Monday and Giveaway Winner!

This mug is obviously from The Well.  They ordered them years and years ago when I was still a student to use as a giveaway after one of our fundraiser banquets.  We still have boxes of them in the basement and we fill them up with candy and coupons and use them as prizes for when we have contests and things.  And this one has become my pen mug.  The little purple guy hanging out on the right?  He was a gift from someone in China, and it is actually a pen in case you wondering.

 And not a whole lot to say about today.  Went to the gym, went to work, came home and went to the pool.  I am rather on the pale side and considering that Amanda's wedding is a week from yesterday (!) I'm taking advantage of every opportunity to turn a shade darker than white.  And thankfully the pool wasn't too crowded and noisy today.  I actually fell asleep, it was quite relaxing.  I hope you had an easy, relaxing Monday as well.

And I am excited to announce that the winner of the Chinese fan is...Stacie!  Thanks so much for following faithfully and letting me know about your trips!  And since you're moving in across the street next week, I'll wait and just hand deliver it myself!

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