
Monday, July 11, 2011

Misfortune and Mug Monday

Originally my plans for the evening were to go out to Doe River Gorge with my friend Anne, but instead I'm sitting on the couch with a bag of ice on my foot which is propped up on some pillows.  When I stepped off the curb this afternoon I rolled my ankle.  I tripped and almost fell down in the middle of the street, which I'm glad I didn't, because that would have been super embarrassing!  I hobbled up the sidewalk and into the office and headed straight to the kitchen to make an ice bag.  As I entered the kitchen everything started to sound muted and distant and the room started spinning and I realized I was about to pass out and then I started thinking "Don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out!"  I leaned up against the counter and bent over and once it passed a little I chugged a glass of water.  I just did not want to collapse on the kitchen floor!  I iced it and propped it up as best as I could at the office but then a left a littler early and came home and did the same thing.  I think it's getting bigger though.  I had a really bad sprained ankle my freshman year of college.  The whole side of my foot turned purple and it was so swollen I could barely get a shoe on it.  We nicknamed it Fatty.  As long as this doesn't turn into another Fatty, I'll be ok.

It's like a golf ball sticking out the side of my foot!

Well, on a better note, today is Mug Monday!  And not only is this mug new to you, it's new to me too!  Amanda gave this to me when I got home for the wedding, kind of a Maid of Honor gift in addition to our bridesmaid gifts.  I love how big it is, especially the handle.  Virginia is for Lovers is Virginia's motto, and we used it in another aspect of the wedding plans.  Our family had a lot of out of town guests from Maine, Michigan, and North Carolina, and Jonathan had lots of family come in from California and maybe even some other places.  So to help welcome them all into town and to give them a taste of Lynchburg, Mom and Amanda put together these Virginia goody bags that we had waiting for all the guests at the hotel.  They had home made apple butter or strawberry jam (with apples and strawberries picked in Virginia of course), candles from a company that's based in a local town, maps and brochures about area attractions, and some snacks and bottled water.  Then all the bags were tied up with one of their engagement pictures and a Virginia is for Lovers postcard.  All of the guests absolutely loved them!  They appreciated having something waiting for them when they checked in, and they enjoyed learning more about Lynchburg.  If you have a wedding coming up, I'd really suggest doing something like this.  Yes, weddings are about the couple, but guests travel a long way to attend, you would want them to have a good time, right?  And this would be the type of thing that could easily be assembled ahead of time, because you'll have plenty of last minute details already.

Wedding Water, as we called it all weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Aimee I'm so sorry about your ankle! I hope it gets better soon and that it doesn't turn fat and purple!
