
Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday Recap and Mug Monday

I didn't get a post in yesterday because I didn't do anything interesting until later at night.   Hannah, Chelsea, and Jillian came over because we were going to go see the Winnie the Pooh movie.  As soon as I saw previews for it, I knew I wanted to see it, and I knew that that group of girls would be perfect company.  So they came over and we made Rice Crispies treats, then it was off to Walgreens to buy some snacks for the movie and an ankle brace for me, then off to the Carmike.  We were the first ones in the theater and we had it to ourselves for quite some time, so of course we had some fun!  When we got back to my place we made another batch of Rice Crispies treats and then put in a movie, which all of us except Jillian slept through at some point.  We finally headed to bed around 2am, and let me tell you, I felt it this morning.  I can't stay up late like I used to!  Oh, and all those Rice Crispies?  We put together goody bags for some of The Well students working out at Doe River Gorge this summer, and took them out there and delivered them this morning.


Originally I thought this would be my last Mug Monday post, but now that's not the case.  Yesterday Hannah gave me a gift from Peru, where she went on a mission trip earlier this summer.  It was a mug and it was purple, she is so thoughtful!  I was so excited for Hannah to go on this trip.  She's been talking since the fall about wanting to go on a mission trip this summer, but was hesitant because her parents weren't crazy about the idea and she was concerned about raising support.  She showed incredible faith though, deciding that she was going to be obedient to the Lord's calling and serve him overseas this summer.  She trusted the Lord through the support raising process and saw him provide above and beyond what she needed!  I  know that the Lord used her in Peru and that she learned a lot as well!

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