
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Change of Pace and Scenery

I've been at the office, in my chair since 10:00 this morning, in fact, I'm still sitting here.  And while I usually hate days like that, today it was a very welcomed change.  We've been on the go non-stop since last Wednesday, and I literally mean that; every day has been full of very active activities!  So, today I didn't mind sitting at the desk and working all day.  We've still got some big activities to pull off, like the first Well service of the semester tomorrow, which is why I'm still at the office.  I know tomorrow will be one of the busiest, craziest Wednesdays of the year, so I wanted to go ahead and get the bulletins printed tonight.  All 900 of them.  And I must say, the new Ricoh is working like a gem.  I think we are going to have a very good relationship this year, which I am thrilled about!

Also, since I posted last, all the students have moved back and school has started.  Instead of looking at a pretty empty street and parking lot, and seeing nothing but squirrels running around, it's nice to see a full parking lot and people on the sidewalks.

The view about two weeks ago...
...and today.

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