
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Waterfalls and BBQ

Well, our leadership retreat went really well!  We spent time casting vision and planning for the upcoming year, as well as just lots of time to getting to know each other better.  On Tuesday afternoon we took off and headed into the mountains where we hiked up to waterfall where we rested for a while and some of the guys swam and jumped off the waterfall.  After we left there we surprised the students with a trip to Ridgewood Barbeque for dinner.  Going to Ridgewood is more than just going to a restaurant.  It's an experience.  Ridgewood is one of those hole-in-the-places with amazing food.  I don't think the decor or furniture or dishes have been updated since the late 80's or early 90's, but you don't really notice any of those things when the massive sandwich overflowing with sliced pork is placed in front of you.  And I cleaned my plate.  Spotless.  We were all moaning when we left from being so stuffed.  I don't think most of us had felt like that since Thanksgiving.  I was still stuffed when I got home yesterday!  But it was a great three days and I'm even more ready for the year to begin and get underway!

Eliza, me, Staci, and Tiffani

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