
Monday, September 5, 2011

From Class '13 to Class '15

Tonight was our first Class '15 event of the year.  Those of you who have been following me for a while have read about Class '14 before.  This is our freshman and transfer ministry, so the name changes with each incoming class.  We start off with a few fun events each Monday night and then transition into small group Bible study.  As I was driving to the church tonight I realized that three of the students that will be leaders for these small groups are girls that were in my Class '13 group two years ago.  I thought back to our first few weeks of small group together, and how these girls were quiet, shy, and often unsure of the answers they gave.  But over the past two years I've had the joy of watching them grow so much in their relationships with the Lord.  I've served alongside them on missions trips and heard them passionately praying for this incoming class of freshmen.  I'm so proud of these girls and thankful that I get the change to continue to serve them and serve with them!

Jessi, me, Hannah, and Chelsea
Here's our Class '13 group at the Swing Dance in 2010

And we all share a love for rain boots!


  1. Yay! We're cute! I love how I'm posing the exact same way in both of those pictures.

  2. :) AW! So many memories! Makes me wish I was still a freshman...NOT! haha :) i love you all!

    P.S. this blog thing is pretty cool, thanks for sharing! :)
