
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Not Spill Proof

Every year, before the second Well service, we always have a huge meal that's free for students.  In the past it's always been a local BBQ restaurant, but tonight it was Barberitos.  Barbs, as it's called around here, is similar to Moe's or Chipotle, if you know what those are.  I'd never liked burritos until I went to Barbs, and then I was hooked, and they have the best chips and salsa ever!  So anyways, we've been looking forward to this night pretty much all summer long.  However, as the week wore on the more it began to look like it was going to rain all day and night.  We managed to make it through the day without any downpours...until tonight.  We had to cram several hundred students under a tent, but there were still hundreds with no where to go for shelter, so had to let them in the church.  That might seem like a weird statement, but generally on this night we try to keep them outside until it's time for The Well to start.  So, with all the extra people eating in the hallways we had to bring in a bunch of trashcans.  And as one of those trashcans was being emptied, a cup fell out of it, and a large spill occurred on the carpet.  Later, as I was standing at the door handing out bulletins and looking at the yellow felt cloths seeping up the spill, I thought to myself, "That could be a good foot picture.  I've never taken a picture on a spill before."  And so, there you have it, my first spill picture...

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