
Monday, January 30, 2012

Answered Prayers and Grocery Store Giddiness

I've been praying for quite some time now for friends, and for community.   Some of you might be thinking "Aren't you with your friends all day long?" "Don't you lead a small group?"  And the answer to those questions are yes.  I get to spend my days with incredible students, many of whom are good friends.  And yes, I lead a team and we meet as a small group Bible study on Sundays.  So yes, I have friends and yes, I'm in community; and I am so thankful for all that that brings me.  The only "issue" is that 98% of those people are students, and I'm the one leading the team and Bible study.  I've been wanting just one area of my life that is spent with people closer to my age, and where I could just participate without planning and facilitating.  And I think I have found that!  I have been able to join a community group through my church and I went tonight for the first time.  It was a fun night and I am so excited to see where we go together!

After I left tonight the plan was to go to the gym, like really, it was.  I packed my gym clothes and everything, but then I realized I didn't have my ID.  And even though I had planned on going, I wasn't that disappointed that it didn't work out, because, well, I didn't really want to go.  So, I took advantage of the extra time to go to the grocery store.  No exercise + buying food = perfectly logical, right?  Well while I was at the store I made a wonderful discovery!  My favorite coffee creamer is Coffee Mate's Peppermint Mocha, but you can only get it at Christmas (despite what the sticker on the bottle said).  But tonight I saw that International Delight has a York Peppermint Patty flavored creamer!  I think I did a little happy dance when I saw it.  York Peppermint Pattys are my second favorite candy and I can't wait to try it tomorrow morning!


  1. oh yummy! please tell me how the creamer tastes, because to get peppermint creamer all year would be wonderful:) and i'm excited for you and your community group!

  2. :) I know how much you like Peppermint Patties. I also know that you've been wanting to connect with a group. All this = happiness.

  3. I'm so thankful that you like your community group! i've been praying for friends your age so I hope you continue to enjoy them :)

    So weird that your store doesn't have peppermint mocha creamer all year round! I've always gotten it all year round, I just bought some this week! But a peppermint paddy creamer sounds like it could possibly be even better!!
