
Monday, January 9, 2012

Big Apple Birthday Trip

You might be wondering if the blog was continuing into 2012, since I haven't posted at all this year, but no worries, it is!  I've just been out of town a lot, and when I have been home, I've been enjoying not being attached to a key board.  I need to get caught up though, because my routinely chaotic life kicks back into gear this week!  And since I have a lot of things to do tonight, you're going to have to settle for an abbreviated recap of my trip to New York; few words, but lots of pictures, so you can't complain too much.

We got into the city Monday afternoon.  That evening we ate dinner at Roxy's Deli in the heart of Times Square, walked to Rockefeller Center, and then went on a carriage ride in Central Park!

Biggest Chicken Salad Club EVER; my mom and I got 4 meals out of this!

There were huge Christmas decorations everywhere!

We went to the Museum of Modern Art, or MoMA, Tuesday morning.  I was a nerd in photography heaven!  After a lunch of New York City pizza, Mom and I stood in line in the rain for an hour and a half to get Broadway tickets, and that night we went and saw Sister Act!

Heading toward the MoMA

The amazing little bakery where we got breakfast.

The MoMA!
I don't feel like explaining all this, but it was a really neat exhibit!

These were all pictures by Eugene Atget, a photographer I did a report on my senior year and then I fell in love with his work.

Lots of these photographers were ones I studied in school.

Water Lillies by Monet

Starry Night by van Gogh

This was in the Architecture and Design wing; I thought it was neat.

And here we are waiting in line.  This is what I saw when I looked down...

...and what I saw if I looked up. 

In the morning we went to the Statue of Liberty  and Ellis Island.  Then that evening we went to St. Paul's Chapel.  This is a church near Ground Zero that provided care for the relief workers for 9 months after 9/11.  It is still a functioning church, but it is also set up as a museum.  I don't have pictures of this though.  The last thing we did that day was go back to Roxy's to get some cheesecake!

 At the dock, waiting to take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty.

 Me and Dad

In the Registry Room at Ellis Island.

 Reflections and shadows are one of my favorite things to photograph, so I could have stayed in this room forever!

 A favorite!

 Ellis Island, where all the immigrants came through.

Whipped White Chocolate Raspberry and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup!

We stopped at Starbucks for breakfast on our way back in to Times Square for some final pictures and a trip to M&M World.  Then it was back on the subway to get to Penn Station and then head home!

 Our great people (and pigeon) watching spot by the window.

The view on the way home :)


  1. SO fun, Aimee!! I love all your pictures! What a great way to spend time with your Mom and Dad :)

  2. I love all of these pictures! You guys did so many fun things!

  3. i am swooning over your new york trip!! seriously to go during christmas is on my bucket list! and that sandwich is massive. looks like you have an amazing time
