
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bedroom Rearranging

I've always like the idea of putting a bed in the corner of a room, having it stick out at an angle, but never had a room big enough.  Then, last weekend when I was watching You've Got Mail there was a scene in Kathleen's bedroom and I noticed her bed was in the corner.  I glanced into my room and realized "I could make that work..."  So, today I set out to make it happen.  This is how it looked before...

Looking in from the bedroom door...
...and from the bathroom.

 I took everything including the mattress off the bed (to make it lighter and easier to move), moved some smaller pieces of furniture out of the way, and took everything out from under the bed.  It took a while to actually move the bed, because I'd have to push it a few inches, walk to other side and pull it a little, stand back and look at it, push some more, and pull some more, but eventually I got it into place.  I made it back up and really liked how it looked!  

A few mid-move pictures...

Now this is the view from the bedroom door...
...and this is the one from the bathroom.

But then came the issue of reincorporating some of the pieces I'd moved out of the way, namely the trunk.  I didn't want it at the foot of the bed anymore, so I moved it to the wall with the window, but I didn't like it there either.  The only other place I thought it could fit would be in the space behind the door.  I messed with it a while and found a way to make the trunk and coat rack still fit, but the basket full of hoodies didn't fit.  I moved the hoodie basket and laundry basket all around trying to find a lay-out I liked, but just couldn't.  I ended up leaving the laundry basket where it used to be, and the hoodie basket is shoved in the closet for the time being.  

 The rearranging did help break up all of the blank wall space that had been haunting me; there's still a lot, but I don't think it's as obvious.  But now the space between the bed and bookshelf is wide open.  I would love to get a funky, comfy chair to put there and make a little reading nook! 

Wouldn't a cozy chair be perfect to the left of the window?!?  And I want to change up the curtains now too; that'll be the next project, along with getting something on the walls.  

And here's a close up of the pillow on my bed: The Ornament Of A House Is The Friends Who Frequent It ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. i love your re-arrangement of the bed, definitely improves the room a lot!! love the bedspread too
