
Monday, March 19, 2012

A Day Off

Well, I survived another race weekend.  And I know I'm not old, but I sure feel like it by the end of the weekend.  I can't handle them like I did a few years ago.  After I got home last night I showered and immediately went to bed, around 10:00pm.  I had the day off today (thank goodness!!!), so I didn't set my alarm and I slept til 10:00am. 12 solid hours of sleep!  It was wonderful :) 

After finally getting out of bed closer to 10:30, I did laundry and cleaned up the house a little for a while, and then headed out to enjoy the absolutely gorgeous day we had.  My first stop though was at Mahoney's to finally get a pair of Toms.  I've been saying no to all sorts of cute shoes for a while, so I could get Toms instead.  I went with the Classic in red.  You can't go wrong with a classic, and red shoes are just fun.  

After that I went to Panera and sat outside and enjoyed a smoothie while reading and journaling for a while.  

When I finished up at Panera I still had a little bit of time before I needed to head to small group, so I went to Goodwill.  The change between fall/winter and spring/summer is always a good time to hit up the Goodwill because people tend to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of stuff, so the Goodwills are usually nicely stocked.  And this trip turned out to be very successful!  I got this pair of light blue J. Crew shorts in perfect condition for less than $5!

And I got two new (to me) kitchen gadgets.  In this post I mentioned that I don't have a potato masher; well, I found one for 77 cents!  And I also got this cute lil citrus juicer for $2.97.  Whenever I make anything that calls for fresh lemon juice I always wish I had a juicer, and now I do!  It has a little chip on the handle (if that's what you want to call it), but that just gives it more character.

Have you had any good thrifting finds lately?


  1. Girl which goodwill did you go to?? Those shorts are cute!

  2. Oh I need to go to some thrift stores now that the seasons are changing! I had never thought about the fact that they probably have some good stuff! And I love your juicer! I have one that I use all the time but it's plastic and I love the way the glass ones look!
