
Monday, April 16, 2012

David Platt Breakout

Tonight for our ministry team small group Bible study we listened to the breakout session that David Platt did at Passion 2011.  There's still a lot for me to process, but here are some quotes that really stood out to me.  And since he talked fast, I jotted things down fast as well, so these might not be word for word.

Our love for Jesus should make our closest relationships in the world look 
like hate compared to how we love Christ.

We aren't saved from our sin because of what some Roman soldiers decided 
to do to Jesus, but because He chose the cross.

You don't come to Jesus to get life, happiness, stuff, health, wealth, this, or that...NO!  You come to Jesus 
to get Jesus!

Jesus will never say, "I wish you would have kept more to yourself."

Every gift and skill and passion He has given you is for one purpose: to advance the Kingdom of God!  Whatever you do, use it as a platform to advance the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, when we do that that the gates of Hell can't stop it!

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