
Saturday, April 21, 2012


The theme of our banquet this year, and now the last two weeks of The Well, is REMADE.  Focusing on the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.  We have been remade!  To open the banquet, we wanted to uniquely and powerfully share the stories of our students, and how they have been remade in Christ.  Seth gathered stock images of things that showed brokenness - weapons, pills, drugs, people crying etc.  Those broken images covered three panels, and each one said either LOST, EMPTY, or BROKEN.  Each of those large panels was actually a combination of smaller squares, each one representing a student.  On the smaller panel was part of the students' story, areas of brokenness in their life.  They said things like: Living for the weekends; Addicted to drugs and alcohol; Felt unloved and unwanted by my father; One foot in the world and one foot in Christ etc. 

While a long called All Things New played, students came up on stage one by one and unhooked their panel from one of the three words.  They came to the center of the stage and held it up for everyone to see.  Then, they flipped it around and shared the rest of their story.  Like: Living for Christ; Forgiven and set free by of Christ; Saved by my Heavenly Father; I'm all in.  Then they went and hung up the new side of their panel, and when they were all hung it said REMADE.  And the pictures on this were all of the pictures I've been taking all year.  Pictures of our students, at all of the events and activities we have, laughing and smiling.  Pictures of real people who have been remade!


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