
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Scratch & 'Staches

Last night was pretty much a perfect springtime weekend in the mountains of East Tennessee.  I went to a surprise birthday party for my friend Skot.  He leads worship at our church and I'm in the community group that he and his wife Jamie lead.  And here's a little shout out to her blog Spare Time and Seersucker, it's full of cute ideas and you should check it out!  Anyways, we had the party at Scratch, a brick-oven pizza place here in town.  Scratch is an eclectic, hole in the wall, hippyish place.  Everything in the building is kind of random and everyone who works there has dreds and tattoos.  Not only is the environment great - the perfect kind for just sitting around forever- but the food is delicious!  You get to make your pizza however you'd like, or you can order a Trust Pizza, where you just let them make it.  They have some interesting toppings, like Granny Smith apples and mandarin oranges, but everyone I've known who has ordered a Trust Pizza has always liked it.

 So anyways (again), Skot likes mustaches, so right before he and Jamie arrived we all donned fake mustaches.  We even put one on a baby that was there, it was really funny!  Then it was time to create and order the delicious pizzas.  I split one with two other girls and we called it "The Stache" and it was ah-mazing!  After everyone was finished with pizza and it was time for the cookie cake, which also had a mustache on it.   We didn't have a knife, so I went inside to ask them if we could borrow one to cut our cake with.  The guy kind of smiled funny when I asked him for one and he said "Yes, we have one, but you have to be very careful with it," and I told him I would be.  Then he goes and brings back the knife machete!  I'm not exaggerating, it was huge!  I felt really strange going back outside and walking down the sidewalk back towards the patio where we were eating carrying a machete!  After the cake had been cut (didn't take long, thanks to the super knife), Happy Birthday sung, candles blown out, and cake eaten, we just all hung out for a while.  And it was the perfect night for it!  No bugs, no humidity, and just crisp enough.  And as we left we all got little chocolate mustache pops that Jamie made! 

Returning the machete.

Chocolate mustache pop!

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