
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting Stuff Done!

I've gotten three of my summer goals done!  Well, actually, I can only take full credit for one of them, but three things are crossed off the list!

# 1 - Get the coffee table painted white.  I decided to take the coffee table and end table home with me last week, because I'd have more room and it would be easier to get them painted there.  But, wouldn't ya know, good ole' dad did it for me :)  And to absolutely no surprise, they look amazing!  Like brand new furniture, not a $25 Craigslist find.  


and after!!!

I wasn't planning on getting rid of the rug until I had a new one to replace it with, but when I put the table down, it just didn't look good.  The bright white compared to the gray in the rug made the rug look dirty.  So I went ahead and took it out, and I really like how it looks.  It makes the room look so much bigger and brighter; I love it!

I changed up my coffee table decor, by actually putting some of my coffee table books on it.  I was able to see many of Atget's pictures that I first saw in this book, when I went to the MoMA in December, which you can read about here.

# 2 - Have the end table varnished or polyurethaned or covered with the stuff that seals it and makes it nice and shiny.   

I also changed up my end table decor, because I found this awesome lamp at Goodwill for $5.97!  It was a wine jug, but I peeled off the label.  For one thing, I didn't want people thinking I was a wino.  And secondly, I want to fill the jug with something.  Marbles would be neat, but that would be a lot of marbles.  Since this lamp was a little short on its own I brought in some more of my photography books that had been in my bedroom to give it a lift.

# 3. Paint my earring holder white and then distress it. 


and after!

Yay for crossing things off lists!

Paint window in kitchen with crackle paint, and paint something on the glass.
Get something on the wall above the kitchen sink.
Paint little table next to wicker chest.
Paint coffee table white.
Varnish the end table.
Get something on bedroom walls.
Find something to replace vase and branches on dresser.
Put new fabric on director's chair.
Repaint red and green chest.
Paint earring holder white and then distress it.

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