
Thursday, June 28, 2012


I was going to apologize for the week long lapse in my posting, but then I decided not to.  No apologies.  I was on vacation; my first long break since Christmas, and I was taking a break from things with buttons and screens and such.  So to fill you in a bit, after a few days at home in Lynchburg I traveled up to Northern Virginia, or NOVA as it's called, to spend the weekend with my sister and her husband.  They will be married a year this coming Tuesday, and have lived in NOVA the whole time they've been married, and this was my first time to go visit them there!  It was the perfect balance of being out and about and doing things, and sitting at home being a bum and not feeling bad about it.  And here's some pictures and a few words to sum up the best parts!

Cupcakes!  We were in a cute little shopping center with a small town, downtown vibe and we sat outside the cupcake shop, eating and people watching.  We saw a cute little boy walking around in an Iron Man mask, and a guy with his dog a few tables down from us.  We think the dog was a ploy to get girls to stop and talk to him.

Amanda got pineapple strawberry, and I got the world's perfect flavor combination: chocolate and peanut butter.

They were quite tasty.

Playing Farkle late Saturday afternoon, after a day of shopping.

 Grilling out for dinner Saturday evening.

Amanda making fried onions to go on the burgers.

Amanda partially made this box for Jonathan to tote all of his grilling supplies in.

Walking back from the grilling area to their apartment.

It was delicious!

 Sunday night we just ate a ton of popcorn for dinner and watched Storage Wars on TV.  Jonathan has this crazy UFO looking popcorn popper, and it made the best popcorn!  We ended up going through two huge bowls!

When it's done, you just flip it upside down and then lid becomes the bowl!

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