
Monday, October 22, 2012

My Bucket List

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now!  As much as I love lists and experiencing life, I've never had an "official" bucket list.  There have always been things I knew I wanted to do in life, but I have never had them written down somewhere; until now.  I figured this would be the best place to write out my bucket list, so I'll always know where it and I can entertain people in the process!  And I actually have two lists...

Before I turn 30 list
Go to a professional sports game. (Patriots vs. Lions - Thanksgiving Day, 2010)
Spend the night somewhere to get free food. (Buffalo Wild Wings, September, 2012)
Go to either a Red Sox game at Fenway Park or a Patriots game a Gillette Stadium.
Travel to a country I've never been to.
Pay off my school loans.  This probably won't happen unless I win the lottery, but a girl can dream, right?
Take a vacation alone.  This probably makes me sound like a loser, but I think it would be wonderful!
Go to Dollywood.
Visit the Biltmore. 

Lifetime list
Go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Travel West.
Have a food named after me, like a sandwich called The Aimee Jane, or something like that.
Visit NYC during all 4 seasons; so far all of my trips have been in the winter.
Write and illustrate a children's book.
Meet someone famous.
Go to a restaurant featured on Diners, Drive In's, and Dives.  I have actually been to one, but now that I have this list, I want to go to another.
Learn how to make Brunswick Stew as good as Granny's.

What about you, what's something on your Bucket List?


  1. This is a great start to your bucket list! You went to China... does that count as your new country?!

  2. I don't think it's weird at all to want to go on vacation alone! Bradley and I are still figuring out a way for us to both have that experience on a regular basis :)

  3. Hi, I came across your blog and bucket list and it's nice to read your B4 30 (I should make one too!) and Lifetime List.

    Just completed a dream of mine – an iPhone app (adream) where people can share their dreams and goals in a fun way. If you own an iPhone, hope it helps you get closer to crossing items off your bucket list. It’s my dream to help people realize theirs in this small little way.

    Best, Ray

    adream – (iPhone app)
