
Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm A Believer

Like I mentioned in my last post, it's been raining a lot.  It seriously rained all day Monday and Tuesday, it rained off and on Wednesday, and I woke up today to steady rain once again.  They were calling for it to turn into snow, and everyone was all excited but I was sticking to my "I'll believe it when I see it," attitude when it comes to East Tennessee weather.  

By early afternoon the rain turned to slush and the temperature kept dropping so we called it a day at the office and each headed home to work.  After about an hour I peeked through the blinds and it was white outside!  I believed!  By around 5:00 it was still coming down steadily, getting darker, and I realized that if I was going to get some pictures I need to get on it.  I threw on my coat, stuffed my sweat pants into my snow boots and headed out.  We didn't get any snow last year, and I'd forgotten how wonderful the sound of snow crunching under your feet is and how a blanket of white can transform an otherwise ugly apartment complex into a peaceful winter wonderland!


Thankful for that new coat I got for Christmas!

The power ended up going out for about three hours, so I just sat my flashlight on its end, and straightened up the apartment and finished reading a book.  It was a good, quiet couple of hours!

Thankful for that Mag-Lite I got last Christmas!

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