Monday, February 11, 2013


I got fussed at last week by one of my faithful blog readers because I haven't posted anything in a while.  There's no great reason, I just got a little lazy with it.  And because one of my goals for this new year was to get more sleep, and I have been.  Several nights it came down to blogging or sleeping, and I chose sleeping!  So I made a point Saturday night to take plenty of pictures that I could post.  I spent Saturday evening with some of the girls on our Missions Team, and it was your typical girls night - sweat pants, food, crafts, and movies.  Also, the girl that fussed at me was there, so when she realized I'd be posting and that she would be in the pictures, she was quite excited.  So here's my shout out to Kerri!

Heart-shaped Boberry biscuits!

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