
Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm Still Here

Another two week lapse in blogging.  Ugh, I hate it and I'm sorry!  But it's March, and March is horribly busy for us at The Well, and therefore my life is a little crazy right now.  How crazy?  Well as I'm writing this I'm wearing tall argyle socks, work out pants, a button-down shirt, and an apron.  Completely random, but summing up my life this week.  And what items are somewhere on my bed right now?  Bazillions of clothes, a camera, laptop case, books, and safety goggles.  And I slept with all those items on the bed last night because I was too lazy and tired to move them.  This is real life people.  It's messy and disorganized, but hang with me and I should have some great posts coming your way next week!

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