
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Leaving On A Jet Plane...

This will be the last post I write from the States because tomorrow morning I am leaving for England!  The day has finally arrived!!!  I am so ready to begin the next part of this experience, actually being in Birmingham!  Even though I am arriving much later than I wanted to, and with all of the delays, unknowns, and frustrations of the past five weeks, I trust that I am arriving exactly when I need to.  I am not the only person in this story; the friends and family I’ve spent time with while I’ve been in Virginia, the people I will encounter while I travel, and the Canvas team and students in Birmingham are all a part of this as well.  The timing isn’t all about me, but I am glad it is time for me to get there!
For those of you interested in travel details, my flight schedule is as follows:
Depart from Roanoke, Virginia at 10:16am
Arrive in Chicago at 11:15am
...7 hour layover...
Depart Chicago at  6:05pm
Arrive in Brussels at 9:20am (That's actually just an 8 hour and 15 minute flight)
...2 hour layover...
Depart Brussels at 11:20am
Arrive in Birmingham at 11:40am
(I'll actually be in the air for an hour and 20 minutes between Brussels and Birmingham, more time change stuff going on there)
I covet your prayers over the next few days, and here are some specific ways you can be praying:
Travel – For safety in the air, that there won’t be any cancellations or major delays, and that all of my luggage will arrive with me!
Adjustment – Not only will I be tired after 24+ hours of traveling, but there is a five hour time difference, so I will be dealing with jet lag too.  Please pray that my body will adjust quickly and that I will have a smooth transition into English life.
I enjoy traveling, and I am obviously excited about getting settled in England, but I don’t want to get so caught up in everything that I’m not in tune to the Spirit.  Please pray that I will be aware of those around me and all of the things the Lord might want to teach me even in these first few days. 
I will make a post again within a day or so of arriving to let you know how it all went.  For all of you who have partnered financially, prayed, and offered words of encouragement, thank you!!!  I really can’t say it enough!

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