
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life is Getting CrAzY

Hello again my faithful blog readers!  I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in three days, it's been bugging me!   I had all intentions of taking pictures at The Well Wednesday night, I even had my little camera in my back pocket all night.   But I then I got busy running around and the next thing I know we were tearing everything down and loading the trailer up.  So I don't even have a picture for Wednesday :(  I did take pictures for Thursday and Friday, but I didn't get home til after midnight each of those nights, and I was tired so I just went to bed.  And unfortunately, I think this is going to become a trend.  March is an insanely busy month for us.  But here are some quick highlights of the last two days...

Thursday, February 24th...This was the night of our 2nd Annual Black and White Swing Dance, and it was quite the success!  The room looked nice, the food was yummy, and everybody was dressed all snazzy!  I like events like this where you get to see people dressed up, especially the guys.  It's always nice to see them in something other than jeans, hoodies, and plaid flannel.  Jillian really wanted to get into the swing dances this year, so she wore black Converse with her skirt, as did a few other girls.  While I, on the other hand, just wanted to look cute.  I was thrilled that the ruffles on my heels matched the ruffles on my dress, something I didn't plan on happening, it just did!

Friday, February 25th...One of the big events we have in March is our annual fundraiser banquet.  One of the things we do for it is kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....Ok,  I decided that I'm going to leave that in there to prove how tired I've been recently.  It's the middle of the afternoon and I'm nodding off!  I just dozed off with my finger on the K key.  Anyways!  One of the things we do for the banquet is put together a video ofmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (I did it again!) of student testimonials of how The Well has impacted their life.  In order to get enough footage to pull from, we do lots of "interviews."  So from 1:00pm to 7:00pm yesterday, I was at the church helping with the interviews.  It made for a long afternoon and evening, but between checking students in and taking headshot pictures of all of them, I was able to get some stuff done.  I downloaded all the pictures from the swing dance, edited them, and got them up on facebook.  I also spent a good amount of time with my feet proppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed :) up and reading, as seen below.   We're doing interviews from 9-5 on Monday and 9-3 on Tuesday, so I'll try to come up with pictures that are more interesting for those days.

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