
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Serving Up Laughter

Yesterday The Well had Service Saturday.  We had lined up seven different opportunities for our students to serve around our community.  They were: cooking and serving breakfast to the homeless and needy; sorting and packing items at a food pantry; working in a thrift store run by faith-based ministry; cleaning at Grace Fellowship Church, the church where we have The Well; helping with landscaping at Doe River Gorge, a local camp and ministry partner; doing construction at a house with Appalachian Service Project; and chopping wood for a family in need who heat their house with a wood stove.  I spent the morning shuttling students back and forth, and then in the afternoon I worked with a group of students at the thrift store.  At was a great morning, but also a tiring morning, so I was really looking forward to the evening.  Michael and Haley had invited some people over to their place for dinner and games I knew it would be a low-key evening filled with good food, good conversation, and lots of laughter, and I was exactly right!  Michael made potato soup and Haley made Oreo cake, and I had huge servings of both :)  After dinner we played a card game that was new to me, Dork.  You don't want to be the dork, and I was.  Twice, I think.  We also played Catch Phrase, Encore, and two hilarious rounds of Telephone Pictionary.  I was a great way to end the day!
Homemade Tater' Soup

Homemade Oreo cake :)

It's warming up, which means all my fun flats are making a comeback!

Telephone Pictionary!

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