
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All Things Happy

I have lots of random stories and pictures for this post, so hopefully this post will make up for the fact that I've been slacking.  The morning started off with me baking, still in my bathrobe.  Every other week or so I'll make dessert for The Well band when they practice on Tuesday night.  Ever since she posted it, I'd been wanting to make these Fudge Brownies with Peanut Butter that I saw on my friend Sherri's blog.  So after I ate breakfast I got right to work.  Everything was going just fine until it got to the peanut putter filling.  The recipe called for 4 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla pudding mix.  I got a little ahead of myself and went ahead and made a whole batch of pudding.  Thankfully I caught the mistake before I added the pudding to the rest of the peanut butter mixture.  I didn't have another packet of pudding, so I'd have to take everything with me, pick up some more pudding mix on my way to the office and finish it all there.  The first thing I did at the office though was start the dish washer, then it was back to the brownies.  I got everything mixed correctly and then went back to my desk.  As I sat down I noticed some white powdery stuff on my finger, and thinking it was pudding mix, I licked it.  It wasn't pudding mix.  It was powdered dish washer detergent.  Yuck!

Patio + barefeet =  :)
Tuesdays are the days I meet with "my girls."  And for as long as I've had this blog, we've been meeting in The Cave, but since today was so nice, we met outside on the patio.  After we finished up our little meeting, Jillian and I went and sat with Henry.  Henry is still a student, but he's been leading worship at The Well all year and been doing a fabulous job!  We started playing the Commentary Game, where you pick out someone walking by and make up what they're thinking in their head.  Jillian and I's captions weren't the greatest, but his were hilarious.

Once I got back to the office I decided I definitely wanted to open the window by my desk.  The first open window of the year, yay!

The plan for after work was to go for a run at the VA (Veterans Affairs) Hospital.  As it got closer to time to head out, I realized that I hadn't work out in almost two weeks, and that a big run would be potentiality be painful.  Not to mention the fact that I had just eaten one of those brownies.  I decided that instead of a run I'd go for a long walk, and I did just that.  I walked for an hour!  All over the beautiful, beginning to look a lot like spring VA campus.  I'm so thankful I have such a beautiful place to get away to!  And as I was walking I got excited thinking about all the new pictures I'd be able to put on the blog because we're starting a new season.  Since this blog was started in the winter, you've only seen my winter shoes and almost all of the pictures were taken inside.  Now that it's getting warmer I'll have new shoes and outside places to take pictures of.  Take these shoes for example.  They are my outside running shoes, the blue ones in all my previous posts are my inside, gym shoes. 

I'm so thankful things are warming up here, and hope they are for you too, wherever you're reading this from!

Some beautiful VA scenery...
Love my mountains! 

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