
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Tale of Four Tires

If I ever had a blog about my car, that's what I would name it.  Why on earth would I start a blog about my car?  Because since joining staff with The Well my car has had lots of interesting things in it.  Well, maybe not interesting, just large quantities of things.  I was thinking about this as I was driving to the church this afternoon with 15 tins of chips and 3 gallon sized jugs of salsa in the back seat.  Since almost everything we do is for groups, whether a group of 50 or 500, everything we do is in bulk.  So here are some of the things I've had in my car...8 gallon sized tubs of ice-cream and about 20 two-liters of root beer; 25 pizzas (they steamed up the windows!), $320 worth of supplies for Haiti, over 30 helium filled balloons, 250 coffee cups, 180 cases of juice boxes, and almost 500 packs of socks.  And here are just some of the random things I've had in my car: 3 adult sized pig costumes, a Sno Cone machine, a dead bush, the top half of a mannequin...That's all I can think of at the moment...But now that I've started this list, I'll definitely be adding to it in the future!
I might have munched on a few on the way to the church...Shhh!

I got to the church a little earlier than normal tonight because I wanted to get some pictures of the band practicing.  That way I could go up on stage and walk all around and do whatever I want, which I can't do when I take pictures during a service.   After taking quite a few from the floor and stage, I walked up in the stadium seating to get an overall view.  I sat for a bit with my feet propped up on a rung in front of me, and realized it was the perfect foot picture for today!

The Well has always been blessed with very talented musicians; very, very talented.  And unfortunately, I know I've taken them for granted at times.  I am so blessed (I hated to use that word again, but really it's the only one that works) to be ushered into Spirit led, Spirit filled worship each week.  I've gotten to know the current Well Band better than ones in years past, which has been a joy,  and I am so thankful for them!  They sacrifice a lot of time and energy to serve us through their talents, and I figured they deserved a little bit of recognition!

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