
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Turn That Frown Upside Down!

This morning started out as one of those days, the kind where everything goes wrong and bothers you.  First of all, I couldn't find anything to wear.  I know that sounds like such a lame, shallow excuse, but it was true!  We're in that annoying between-the-seasons type of weather where its cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon, or warm in the morning and raining in the afternoon.  It makes putting together outfits quite difficult, especially when you're tired of all of your clothes and want new ones.  I can't tell you how many different outfits I tried on this morning, it was ridiculous.  And because of that, I left my room a total disaster, which I hate.

My disgrace of a room after this morning...

Then, when I finally made it to the office I realized I had left The Well's camera at home and I needed it later that afternoon.  I was frustrated but knew I'd have time to go back later and get it.  Then I realized I had also left my folder with discipleship materials in it at home and I was supposed to meet with Stacie in a little bit and wouldn't have time to go back.  Ugh!  I was able to work things out, but still, super frustrating.  By the time I made it to The Cave I was a little scattered, which meant so was our meeting.  I kept saying things backwords and reading the wrong questions, but Stacie just laughed at me and went along with it.  Thanks girl!

After another trip home and back, things started getting better, the first sign of that was the three-layer chocolate cake in the fridge :)  After work I headed to David's Bridal to try on bridesmaid dresses for Amanda's wedding!  I say dresses because she picked two styles and then we get to pick the one we want.  One of the styles is the same one I wore in Ashley's wedding, which is also the same one I wore in Scottie's wedding.  I love that dress, but I wanted to change things up, so I was hoping I would like the other style, which I did!  

I've spent a lot of time in these dressing rooms this year!

When I finally made it home I found out that our utility bill for the month was only $76, more good news, hallelujah!  Then I made a darn good Egg in a Hole for brinner; brinner is breakfast for dinner in case you didn't know.  While I ate my tasty brinner I caught up on my blog reading, but basically spent the whole time on Mary Engelbreit's blog and website.  I found out she is having a crafting workshop at her studio!  Ah!  I would loooove to go, but it's right before I leave for China and it's in Missouri.  So, not happening this time.  Bummer!  I also found a place on her website where you can download desktop backgrounds, and I found a super cute one.  I think I might have squealed out loud when it uploaded.

A perfect Egg in a Hole on my favorite purple plates!

How stinkin' adorable is that!?!

After dinner I couldn't get warm so I went ahead and took a hot, steamy shower.  And now I am sitting in bed (yep, in bed, as in under the covers), in my fuzzy, pink, polka-dotted bathrobe, listening to Michael Buble and my Dandelion WoodWick candle crackling, drinking Cozy Chamomile tea, and writing to you, my faithful, blog-reading friends!  Sometimes after nights like tonight I ask myself "Why can't my life always be like this?"  But before I can even finish getting that whole thought out, I already know the answer:  
"And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we  also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."  Romans 5:2-4

Since I haven't done a Mug Monday post in two weeks,  I figured today was a good day for a Mug Thursday.  This picture really needs no explanation.  It was the only souvenir I wanted from our trip to New York!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i love the mug! so glad you got it :) and the other day at michael's i got mary engelbreit cupcake liners! soo adorable and i thought of you :)
