
Thursday, September 15, 2011


Do you remember how Tuesday I mentioned that my throat was starting to hurt?  It's gradually been getting worse all week, and when I woke up this morning I could barely swallow.  My throat felt huge and every time I did swallow or cough it felt like it was being rubbed with sandpaper.  Not pleasant at all.  And I just felt like crud in general.  I was afraid that I might have strep, because I didn't have any of the other cold symptoms and I was pretty sure I'd run a fever the night before.  So I headed to the doctors to find out for sure what the problem was.  After an unpleasant swab of the back of the throat I found out that I did not have strep.  Thank goodness!  I would have felt awful if I'd been walking around contagious all week.  But I do have an extremely swollen and raw throat, possibly caused by a virus.  I was sent home with a few prescriptions and directions to rest and drink hot tea with honey and lemon.  No problem, I can do those things!  So now that I'm full of steroids, Sudafed, Singulair, tea, chicken noodle soup, and cough drops, and taken a nap, I'm feeling...not a whole lot better.  Hopefully soon though, I want to enjoy my weekend!