
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weekend at Home

Quick recap of the weekend...Thankfully I felt much better on Friday and had a great ride into Lynchburg.  On Saturday Mom made me Micky Mouse pancakes and then me, Mom, and Dad headed into the mountains.  We picked apples and drove around exploring...

Ok, I haven't made his face out of chocolate chips in while, so he looks more like a bear.

Stoney Creek Rd.
 Then we went to an estate sales place.  I found this cute, little step stool with lots of peeling paint and character for only $4! 

I picked up a few other piddly little things, but my best find was this old steamer trunk for $25!  Whoever owned it previously painted it red and green, but it's a little too Christmasy for me.  Hopefully I can repaint it soon.  At the moment it's still in the backseat of my car, so I can't show you a good picture of the whole thing, but here's an idea...

That evening we joined some of my parents friends for dinner at this neat restaurant.  It was called Liberty Station and it was near the railroad and had a railroad theme to it.  I ordered the Brushetta Chicken and it was divine.  Chicken topped with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, and all served on top of crusty, garlicly garlic bread.  Ah, so good!

At Liberty Station
Later that night we played scrabble and I won!  I never win, let alone playing against both of them.  I was quite pleased with myself!  After church on Sunday I headed on back to Tennessee.  It was a quick trip, but a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend! That trunk looks amazing! I can't wait to see what you do with it!
