
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Birthday

So, yesterday was my birthday!  My 25th birthday.  I usually love my birthday and spend all of October looking forward to it, but this year I wasn't experiencing the birthday love.  I know that I'm not old, but 25 seems much older.  Very "aldult-ish," and I usually don't feel like an adult.  But by the time Thursday rolled around, I was excited about my birthday and began celebrating it at 12:01, when I opened my first gift.  It was a picture thing from Ashley and I've already hung it up in my room.  Then when I got up on Friday I opened another package from Sherri.  Basically it was a birthday party in a box.  There was cupcake mix, colorful cupcake liners, cute plates and napkins, sprinkles, balloons, and a super cute banner that she made that said "Oh Happy Day."  I took it to the office to hang up and they gave me a hard time for hanging up my own birthday decorations, but it was so cute it needed to be shared!

Birthday Party in a Box!
The HAPPY portion of the banner.
 I also got a continuing gift from my Mom.  Years ago she made me a birthday scrapbook, and it stopped at my 17th birthday I think.  Well she finished it up and sent it to me.  Honestly, I had forgotten about it, so it was fun to look back at a lifetime of birthday parties, birthday cakes, and lots of bad hair!  Here is one of my favorite pictures in the book.  I was 3, and was helping Mom make my Big Bird cake.

My plans for the evening were to go out for dessert with Jillian, Ashley, and Eliza.  Or so I thought.  I met Jillian and Ashley at their house and then we went to pick up Eliza.  When Eliza got in the car she and Jillian started acting a little funny and were stalling, and then Eliza pulled out a blindfold and told me to put it on!  I love surprises, so I didn't mind playing along.  I just figured we were going to a different restaurant than I thought, or stopping to see something along the way.  We get to our destination and I have to keep on my blindfold, so they help me out of the car and up a sidewalk, where I had to go up three steps at the end of it, so at that point I asked "Are we at The Well House?"  But then I was told to take off my blindfold and it took me a few moments to realize where I was: on the porch of Drew and Leslie's house, with their front door open and bunch of girls (and Drew and Leslie) wearing party hats yelling "Surprise!!!" and blowing little streamers.  I was shocked!  And all I could do was laught.  I've never had a surprise party and this one definitely surprised me!  We had yummy food and played three rounds of Catch Phrase (one of my all-time favorite games), and a few other friends stopped in before the night was over.  I felt special the entire night and it definitely beat just dessert with just three friends!

 Drew videoed my entrance, and I'll upload it once I get it from him.

Birthday cookies!

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