
Friday, November 4, 2011

365:24/7 - Part Two

If you missed the first part of this series, stop.  Read it first, and then come back to this.  

We had a great a start to the series, with about $1,500 given the first week; and $5,600 was given last night!  Also, our World Hope project was fully funded last night, above and beyond!  How wonderful it will be next week to see the word FREEDOM completely unchained!

And like I promised last week, here are the other four ministries we're partnering with!

Tiloa Girls’ School

Tiloa Girls’ School in Kenya is a private high school run by the Africa Gospel Church for orphaned and destitute girls.  This past summer a group of students from The Well worked at the school while on a missions trip with the Tolans.  They helped build classrooms for the school and ultimately showed them the love of Christ through love and friendship.  They are currently wanting to plant a potato crop that will not only provide food for the girls, but give them sustainable jobs and raise about $1400 per year for the school! 

For $29 you can plant an 1/8 of an acre.  If 40 students give we’ll reach our goal of planting 5 acres!

 For every student that gave the suggest $29, they got to take 8 potatoes, representing the 1/8 of an acre, and place them in a bushel basket.  We have one basket for each of the 5 acres.

Pictures of the girls of Tiloa.

To help them remember to continue praying,  the students who gave the $29 got a little sack of dirt with the name of one of the girls at the school.

Filling up the baskets!


NameBrand is a local organization that seeks to meet the tangible needs of individuals and families right here in our community.  They design and sell shirts with that person’s name as the brand, and the proceeds of the shirt sales go toward meeting their needs.  They’re currently trying to help Amy, a single mother who is trying to get her life back on track by going to school to become a drug and alcohol counselor.

For $20 you can purchase a t-shirt, which will provide Amy with an additional $100 of monthly income.  Our goal is to sell 120 shirts!

*I've blogged about NameBrand before, check it out here.

 Since Amy is going back to school, we wanted to make something for her that she could practically use.  Every student that bought a shirt got a little fabric square to write an encouraging note to Amy.  We're going to have them sewn together into a patchwork tote bag!

Adam and Liz Howell

Adam and Liz met as students at The Well several years ago, and have since gotten married and had two children.  They have maintained their relationship with The Well throughout the years, as Adam speaks occasionally at The Well and for retreats.  Adam and Liz’s greatest desire is that the name of Christ would be made great thought their lives.  They are currently in the process of adopting a baby from overseas and need $9,000 to reach their financial needs.

Our goal is to raise $1,000, which is just 100 students giving $10!

 I had a lot to do with this station and am so pleased with how it turned out - like a children's book!  Which is exactly what we were going for!

 For every $10 that a student gave, they got a little plane to add to the display.  By the the time we've raised the $1,000 the whole "sky" will be filled with little planes bringing this little child from the Congo to the Howells!

Students who gave also got to braid friendship bracelets to keep for themselves.  The three strands represented the Lord, the Howells, and themselves, coming together to bring this child home.  And the red, blue, and yellow colors are the colors in the flag of the Congo.

Bibles Unbound

How many Bibles do you own?  Most likely, more than one.  But there are thousands of believers around the world who want nothing more than to own their Bible.
China is the largest country in the world with over 1.3 billion people, but is one of the most closed regions in the world to Christianity.  And although it is small, we praise God that a growing number of Chinese are coming to know Christ as their savior!  Bibles Unbound is an organization that gathers the names of these Christians, in order to secretly deliver them a Bible.  And right now there are approximately 25,000 people open to the Gospel and waiting for Bibles!

For $6, you can provide a Bible for one of these people!  Our goal is to send 240 Bibles to China.  After you pay for a Bible, you will get the name of the person who is to receive it, so you can continually pray for them!

Students who gave got a slip of paper with the name of someone who would receive a Bible!

 Students who gave also got to write their favorite Scripture verse onto a canvas of China.  We want to cover the canvas with Scripture, just like we're covering the country of China with Scripture! (And when the series is over I'm hoping I can bring this home, I want to hang it in my living room!)

And here's a shot of the stage during worship!

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