
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cupcake Wars

Monday night was our second Class '16 event and it was Cupcake Wars!  This is absolutely nothing like the show on Food Network.  We play games and have relays using the cupcakes!  Some of the events were a cupcake toss, a cupcake on the head relay, bobbing for cupcakes in batter, and then it ended in an all-out cupcake war!  I managed to stay clean until the very end, when I was eventually jumped in the cupcake battle myself and got quite messy!

So Lauren joined my Class 13 small group after she became a believer during her freshman year of college.  Now she's a leader for Class 16 during her senior year!  God is faithful!

Class 16 leader pyramid!

A washed my hair 3 times to make sure I had all the batter out of it!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness bobbing for cupcakes in batter sounds like so much fun! And how incredible to see how the Lord is using and transforming the students!
