
Friday, September 14, 2012

Interstate 180

The series we are currently doing at The Well is called Interstate 180.  It's about our journey through life, especially college, and how God can get a hold of our lives and turn them in the opposite different direction, hence the 180.  Each week during the message we share the story of one student and their 180.  We also created a website just for the series called  On the site are more students' 180 stories, among other things.

I'd really encourage you to check it out, and watch each of the students' stories.  What I love about visiting the site is that I know these students.  These aren't videos we've pulled off of the internet, these are scripted interviews, these are students who have allowed their lives to be radically changed by the Lord - and I get to see them, serve along side them, and lead them on a weekly basis.  I emphasize the get to because my job really is nothing short of blessing and an honor that I in no way deserve.  God doesn't need me to make his name great, he could do that all on his own, but he let's me be a part of how He is moving.  He let's me play a part in other people's stories.  This year I have the incredible opportunity to lead a team of upperclassmen students who will each be leading freshman small group Bible studies, and I recently shared this passage of Scripture and thought with them:

1 Timothy 1:15-17
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.  But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.   Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

This made me think a lot about what we talked about this past weekend.  Yes, we are sinners, but Christ chose to save us.  And he saved us so that our lives may be an example of his love.  Being a small group leader isn't something we get to do for God because he needs it, it's something he allows us to do for Him!  

So take some time to be encouraged and challenged by the students I get to work with every day!  Every single testimony is powerful, but Lauren (green shirt) and Jillian (floral shirt) are extra special to me.  They were each freshmen in the small group I led my first year on staff.  I have seen them grow tremendously in their walks with the Lord and now they're seniors and are continuing to follow hard after Him!

We recorded one more video this afternoon, and I got to hold the boom mic!  That's the fuzzy microphone on a long stick; I kind of wanted to use it to tickle people in the face with :)

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