
Monday, September 16, 2013

Friday the 13th

Last Friday was Friday the 13th and I had been looking forward to it for a while.  Why?  Because I was  going to be providing Friday lunch to the ministry team students and staff of The Well.  Each Friday a different person/small group/church etc. brings a home cooked meal to The Well House and the students come and everyone gets to enjoy a great meal while simply being together - no schedule or agenda, just being together.  This was always a highlight of the week, and way back in the spring I decided I wanted to provide one of the meals for this semester.  Friday, September 13th was the date I'd be doing it and I couldn't wait!

We used to get a lot of the same meals over and over so I wanted to make something they wouldn't be likely to have again, and I decided on doing breakfast for lunch.  I made breakfast casserole, hash brown casserole, fruit salad, biscuits, and muffins.  Cooking for 50 by myself was a little intimidating and there were times that I thought "What in the world have I gotten myself into?" but I managed to pull it off and everything was a hit!

Two of the reasons that I was able to pull it off was that 1) I'd made all the muffins the weekend before and then froze them, pulling them back out Thursday night to thaw and 2) I did the hash browns in the crock pot.  That way I only had to cook one thing that morning, the breakfast casserole.  Both casserole recipes were new, so I was a little nervous trying them out for the first time on a crowd of hungry, eager students, but like I said, they were a hit.  And really the hash brown casserole wasn't so much a casserole as it was cheesy hash browns, but still good.  The muffins I made were Pumpkin Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip, and Apple Cinnamon Butterscotch.

Sitting on the front porch of The Well House, just like old times!

I had to work that night, and something happened that I knew would sooner or later - I spilled a drink on a customer.  She was so nice though and as I was down on the floor wiping it up she looked down and said, "Don't worry about it dear, it's Friday the 13th!"  I'm so thankful she had a good attitude about it, otherwise I probably would have a been a wreck the rest of the night.

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